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The only fanlisting for the movie "Die Hard 2" (starring Bruce Willis, John Amos and William Sadler) listed at TheFanlistingsNetwork in the movies category.

The second part of the Die Hard Series, offers by far the most action and the highest body count, but it also has some interesting character interactions. Not to mention our hero from the first movie, John MacClane, again struggling against impossible odds to free his wife from terrorists at Christmas Eve.

If you are a fan of this fantastic sequal, please feel free to join.


This fanlisting was last updated 16th January 2025 and has a total of 34 members from 14 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 26th July April 2005 by Angie. Who let me adopt the listing on the 20th February 2006.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.


26th January 2023
Moved the fanlisting, re-added all the buttons and checked everything.

© Barbayat 2006-2025