Quotes and Dialogues

Holly McClane:Honey, this is the '90s. Y'know, microchips, microwaves, air phones.
John McClane: As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza.

Holly McClane: Listen Dick... That is your name - "Dick"? If you're gonna continue to get this close would you consider switching aftershaves?
'Dick' Thornburg: Anything else?
Holly McClane: Stronger mouthwash would be nice.

Col. Stuart: Oh, McClane. John McClane. The policeman hero who saved the Nakatomi hostages. I read about you in People Magazine. You seemed a bit out of your league on Nightline, I thought.
John McClane: Hey, Colonel. Blow me! How much drug money is Esperanza paying you to turn traitor?
Col. Stuart: I think Cardinal Richilieu said it best. 'treason is merely a matter of dates'. This country has to learn that it can't keep cutting off the legs of men like General Esperanza. Men who have the guts to stand up against Communist aggression.
John McClane: And Lesson #1 starts with killing policemen. What's Lesson #2, the neutron bomb?
Col. Stuart: No. I think we can come up with something in between. Watch this!

Major Grant: You see I served with him. I taught him everything he knows.
John McClane: Well, maybe, he's learned a few more things since then.

Major Grant: You are the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time.
John McClane: Story of my life.

John McClane: Oh man, I can't fucking believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How can the same thing happen to the same guy twice?

Al Powell: What's this about?
John McClane: Oh, just a feeling I have.
Al Powell: Ouch. When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.

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